When you open a new laboratory, you will have many decisions to make that can impact the success of your business. Unfortunately, the wrong choices can result in you closing your doors. Here are five common mistakes to avoid when starting a lab.
Mistake #1 – Making Bad Hires
Hiring the wrong people is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a lab. When hiring your employees, ensure you have people with the right skill sets, qualifications, and attitudes. Otherwise, your lab may end up struggling to handle its testing volume or provide patient results in a timely manner. If you’re struggling to locate strong candidates, consider working with a recruiter who specializes in the lab industry.
Mistake #2 – Picking a Bad Location
Another common mistake to avoid when starting a lab is picking the wrong location for your business. When you choose a site for your lab, make sure that you verify the building’s utilities will meet your needs. For example, can it provide the lab with proper airflow?
You should also consider your future when picking the location. If you have plans to expand, determine if the building can accommodate your planned growth. Otherwise, it may be time to look at a different site.
Mistake #3 – Managing Your Lab Without Experience
It is also common for a lab owner to try to manage their new business without any previous administrative expertise. Although you may have a medical background, you might need help managing people in a work environment. In this case, hire someone with that experience so your business will run smoothly.
Mistake #4 – Getting Improper Equipment
As you deal with the challenge of starting a new lab testing business, it is easy to find yourself willing to cut corners and settle for low-cost equipment below your standards. Your patients, however, do not deserve a poor level of service. Ensure your laboratory has the proper equipment so your employees can get the tools that they need and your patients get the accurate results they deserve.
Mistake #5 – Not Having Documentation
A fifth mistake you should avoid is going without documentation in your new lab. Documentation is beneficial since it helps set the standards for your lab’s procedures and helps train employees in these processes. Without it, the quality of your lab’s work may suffer, which will not earn you many repeat clients.
If you want guidance on how to start a lab testing business, contact Lighthouse Lab Services for a free consultation. We have the expertise to open your lab in as little as 90 days and can help you build your business from the ground up!