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Common Difficulties Faced When Staffing a CLIA Lab

Clinical laboratories play a vital role in health care. But many labs across the country face serious problems when it comes to filling positions. A shortage of laboratory employees means lower throughput and a more stressful working environment. And outside of the lab, health care workers and patients suffer consequences too.

Position your lab for success by learning more about this problem. Read about common difficulties faced when staffing a CLIA lab.


A Shortage of Candidates

The demand for certified clinical lab staff, including medical laboratory technicians and histotechnologists, exceeds the current supply. And, to make a difficult situation more challenging, a substantial percentage of the clinical lab science workforce is slated to retire within the next decade. Fewer available candidates mean more competition between labs to attract skilled workers.


An Increased Reliance on Temporary Workers

Many labs are becoming increasingly reliant on temporary workers. The shortage of available candidates and employee turnover both lead to this issue. While temporary workers are an effective stopgap for seasonal vacancies, they are not an ideal solution for meeting a long-term need.

Hiring long-term employees helps maintain uniformity and build a positive workplace culture. Attract the right employees for your laboratory and create a welcoming environment to retain them.


Time-Consuming and Expensive Hiring Processes

Another common difficulty of staffing a CLIA lab is that the hiring and onboarding process can be expensive and time-consuming. Yet this is an important step in improving staffing conditions and establishing a healthy relationship with incoming workers. When a lab doesn’t have enough full-time, experienced staff members—either due to hiring shortages or high employee turnover—everyone has a higher workload and more stress.

Creating a thorough job description is one key to attracting the right candidates. And having effective and efficient training and onboarding processes is an investment in the present and future functioning of the lab.

Recruit qualified candidates with Lighthouse Lab Services. Our expertise in clinical lab staffing gives your business an edge in the highly competitive hiring market and allows you to quickly build out your team while reducing testing errors. Contact us today for free consultation to get started.


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