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When Is the Right Time to Recruit Temporary Clinical Lab Staff?

Even if you had the hardest-working laboratory staff in the world, there comes the point where every business needs extra help to get the job done. But you may not know when to start looking. Learn about some of the right times to recruit temporary clinical lab staff for your business below.


During Peak Times

One of the best times to recruit temporary staff members is during your business’s peak seasons. For example, your laboratory may see fewer patients during the summer compared to the busier fall or winter months.

When your laboratory recruits temporary clinical staff members, it can gain the extra hands it needs to handle increased testing volume during those hectic times. Temporary workers also will allow your lab to remain efficient without committing to bringing additional workers on full-time.


When People Take Vacations

Even the most hard-working staff members need to take time off, but that can leave your laboratory short-handed. Temporary help can help compensate for their absence, ensuring your lab maintains efficient turnaround times. Otherwise, your lab may risk falling behind and missing deadlines.


When You Need Fresh Skills

Another one of the right times to recruit temporary clinical staff for your laboratory is when you need to bring a fresh perspective to your work. Although they may be there for only a short time, a temporary worker can offer new ideas to inspire your work and allow you to do a better job for your patients.


When You Want to Try a New Role

Your laboratory also should recruit a temporary clinical associate when it wants to try someone in a new role but has yet to make the change permanent. During this trial period, you may find that the person is not someone your lab needs to keep. However, you may discover the opposite to be true, learning that this employee is an asset to your team.

Lighthouse Lab Temp Services provides excellent clinical lab staffing services that can help staff your laboratory year-round. We make it easy to connect medical labs across the country with fully qualified job seekers.

Contact us today for a free consultation!


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